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Rajshree Agarwal

Adjunct Scholar

Rajshree Agarwal is an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, the Rudolph P. Lamone Chair and Professor in Entrepreneurship at the University of Maryland, and director of the Ed Snider Center for Enterprise and Markets. She studies the implications of entrepreneurship and innovation for industry and firm evolution.

Her recent projects examine the microfoundations of macrophenomena, linking knowledge diffusion among firms, industries, and regions to the underlying mechanisms of employee entrepreneurship and mobility. Agarwal’s work has appeared in leading venues like the Academy of Management Journal, American Economic Review, the International Journal of Industrial Organization, the Journal of Industrial Economics, the Journal of Law and Economics, Management Science, the Strategic Management Journal, and Review of Economics and Statistics.

She is an associate editor of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and the editor of the SSRN Entrepreneurship and Economics Journal. Agarwal also serves, or has served, on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, the Strategic Management Journal, and Strategic Organization. She has received support from the Kauffman Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, the Marketing Science Institute, and the National Science Foundation.

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