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A recent Zogby International survey commissioned by the Cato Institute found that 59 percent of respondents would describe themselves as “fiscally conservative and socially liberal.” When the same question was asked noting that such a combination of views is “known as libertarian,” 44 percent still responded “yes.”

For nearly 30 years, David Boaz has been speaking to this large and growing number of Americans with essays, op-ed pieces and other short articles. Now, for the first time, many of these pieces are gathered together in his collection, The Politics of Freedom: Taking on the Left, the Right, and Threats to Our Liberties (Cato Institute, February 2008, $22.95). 

“I want Americans, especially the 59 percent noted above, to understand that their fundamental political value is freedom,” Boaz says. Whether it’s the freedom to choose a school or a movie to watch, Boaz explains that libertarianism espouses values that cross the red/​blue divide. “The reality is, Americans aren’t as polarized as the pundits say,” he adds. “Most want government out of their pocketbooks and personal lives.”

Covering a wide range of topics, The Politics of Freedom offers Boaz’s unique and often surprising views on such political hot buttons as presidential candidates, drugs, immigration, the welfare state, the war on terror, and political process.