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Space Force: Manifest Destiny in the Stars?

President Donald Trump has shown excitement about the newly created Space Force division of the military. Is it worth the hype? According to Robert Farley, there is still too much unknown to make that call.

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Space Force Rocket
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Space Force: Ahead of Its Time or Dreadfully Premature?

The growing strategic importance of outer space encouraged the United States to establish its first new military branch since 1947: the U.S. Space Force. The Space Force, which will celebrate its first birthday in December, will be heavily laden with advanced technology, but will it have the right organizational characteristics and firm foundation of strategic thinking to take advantage of its capabilities? Is the Space Force ahead of its time, or is its creation as an independent service dreadfully premature?

Robert Farley

Senior Lecturer in Security and Diplomacy, University of Kentucky

John Glaser
John Glaser

Host, Power Problems Podcast