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A Realist’s Guide to Russia’s War in Ukraine

Stimson Center senior fellow Emma Ashford and University of Birmingham professor and Cato adjunct scholar Patrick Porter discuss the intensification of the war in Ukraine, Putin’s nuclear threats, realist perspectives on Russian objectives, and possible US policy responses.

Show Notes

  1. Emma Ashford bio
  2. Patrick Porter bio
  3. Emma Ashford, “In Praise of Lesser Evils,” Foreign Affairs 101, no. 5 (September/​October 2022).
  4. Justin Logan, Benjamin H. Friedman, and Patrick Porter, “We’re Not All Ukrainians Now,” Politico Europe, May 17, 2022.
  5. Emma Ashford and Matthew Kroenig, “How Should the West Respond to Putin’s Military Mobilization?Foreign Policy, September 23, 2022.
  6. Patrick Porter, “The Realist Boogeyman,” The Critic, June 15, 2022.