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What the President Should Do: U.S. Support in Yemen

In his final year in office, President Obama could make the world a better place simply by exercising his executive authority and ending U.S. support for the disastrous Saudi-led War in Yemen. The United States is not actively involved in the conflict, but we’re supporting the campaign by providing services like midair refueling for coalition planes, intelligence and targeting support, by authorizing $8.4 billion in arms sales to the GCC, and even assisting in the naval blockade of Yemen. But in doing so, we are enabling a humanitarian disaster: over 5000 Yemenis have died since March, and over 20 million are in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

“What the President Should Do” is a new series by the Cato Institute discussing what President Obama can do using executive authority his final year in office to make the U.S. a freer and happier place.

More from Emma Ashford on the topic of U.S Support in Yemen: https://​www​.cato​.org/​b​l​o​g​/​p​r​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​-​o​b​a​m​a​-​c​a​n​-​e​n​d​-​w​a​r​-​yemen

Produced by Caleb O. Brown, Cory Cooper, and Tess Terrible.