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Overregulation and California’s Childcare Crisis

Childcare in California is hard to come by. Nearly 60% of families do not have adequate access to childcare. Those that do must pay a high price. Childcare centers average $17,000 a year per infant in the Golden State. That’s about 25% of earnings in a $70,000 a year household. The supply of childcare providers is declining. Since 2014, over 57,000 childcare providers have shuttered in California. Excessive regulations increase overhead expenses for providers, making it harder to get off the ground and stay afloat. The solution? Deregulate childcare services.


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Featured Project

Project on Poverty and Inequality in California

Even before the economic disruptions caused by COVID-19, far too many Californians were living in poverty. Now, that dire situation can only be expected to grow worse. The Cato Project on Poverty and Inequality in California was launched in 2019 to study the root causes of poverty in California and recommend practical solutions designed to help all Californians prosper and rise as far as their individual talents and abilities will take them.

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