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The vision of the Cato Institute is a free and open society in which liberty allows every individual to pursue a life of prosperity and meaning in peace.

Cato Headquarters - Washington DC Building at Night

The vision of the Cato Institute is a free and open society in which liberty allows every individual to pursue a life of prosperity and meaning in peace.

About Cato

Cato Eagle

For more than 40 years, Cato has led the charge for liberty in our nation and around the world. The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization—or think tank—that creates a presence for and promotes libertarian ideas in policy debates. Our mission is to keep the principles, ideas, and moral case for liberty alive for future generations, while moving public policy in the direction of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace.

We make liberty come alive for people by sharing our research and ideas in clear language, free of jargon. We find common ground and work with individuals and groups across the political spectrum in order to build a society that is freer, happier, and more prosperous. We hope you will join us.

Who We Are

Our scholars and experts develop a portfolio of projects that drive tangible change in the near term while producing scholarship and research that bend the arc of ideas toward liberty in the long term. We are focusing on these key areas in order to achieve our ambitious mission and unify Americans behind the principles most of us can agree on—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Meet our leadership, scholars, and experts who embody the Cato Institute’s spirit and mission.

Portraits of Cato Institute leadership displayed at headquarters

What We Do

Since 1977, the Cato Institute has been one of the most effective voices in Washington, DC, advocating individual liberty. From media appearances in major outlets, conferences, and book publishing to top-quality research and engagement on Capitol Hill and with key agencies, Cato has successfully injected the libertarian perspective into mainstream policy debates in Washington, DC, and across the country.

2023 Annual Report cover
Annual Reports

The Cato Institute annual reports document the past year’s productivity, growth, and high‐​quality research grounded in the moral vision of a free and just society.