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Capitol Hill Briefing

Who Are the Real Free Traders in Congress?

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385 Russell Senate Office Building
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Featuring Sen. Richard Lugar, (R‑IN), and Daniel Griswold, Director, Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute.

Which members of Congress most consistently support the freedom of Americans to trade and invest in the global economy — free of market-distorting subsidies and barriers? A dynamic new Cato web feature, “Free Trade, Free Markets,” will allow users to search more than a decade of votes to answer that and other questions about how members have voted on trade. Cato trade scholar Daniel Griswold will demonstrate the new trade tool and reveal who in Congress deserves the title of “Free Trader.” Sen. Richard Lugar (R‑IN), one of the Senate’s most distinguished and consistent supporters of free trade, will offer remarks on the prospects for trade legislation in the 110th Congress and beyond.