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Welfare for the Rich: How Your Tax Dollars End Up in Millionaires’ Pockets—and What You Can Do about It

(Post Hill Press, 2020)

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Featuring Phil Harvey, Chief Sponsor, DKT Liberty Project; Lisa Conyers, Director of Policy Studies, DKT Liberty Project; Tim Carney (@TPCarney), Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute; moderated by Michael Tanner (@MTannerCato), Senior Fellow, Cato Institute.

In their new book, Welfare for the Rich, Phil Harvey and Lisa Conyers analyze the many ways that federal and state governments provide handouts—subsidies, grants, tax credits, loan guarantees, price supports, and many other payouts—to millionaires, billionaires, and the companies they own and run. Welfare for the Rich paints a comprehensive picture of a system where the government keeps wealth and power flowing from the many to the few.

Welfare for the Rich cover

Welfare for the Rich: How Your Tax Dollars End Up in Millionaires Pocketsand What You Can Do about It

Welfare for the Rich is the first book to describe and analyze the many ways that federal and state governments provide handouts—subsidies, grants, tax credits, loan guarantees, price supports, and many other payouts—to millionaires, billionaires, and the companies they own and run. Many journalists, scholars, and activists have focused on one or more of these dysfunctional programs. A few of the most egregious examples have even become famous. But Welfare for the Rich is the first attempt to paint a comprehensive, easily accessible picture of a system largely designed by the richest Americans—through lobbyists, lawyers, political action committees, special interest groups, and other powerful influencers—with the specific goal of making sure the government keeps wealth and power flowing from the many to the few.