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Sweden: Lessons for America?

A documentary to air on public television

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Hayek Auditorium, Cato Institute
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Featuring Johan Norberg, Film host and Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; with introductory remarks by Rob Chatfield, President and Chief Executive Officer, Free to Choose Media; moderated by Ian Vásquez, Director, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute.

Sweden is a remarkably successful country. A poor peasant nation in the 1850s, it became one of the world’s richest countries a century later. It ranks among the world’s freest developed nations. Should the United States be more like Sweden? The documentary Sweden: Lessons for America? delves into aspects of Swedish politics and society that may surprise many Americans. Join us to see a segment of the documentary from the Free to Choose Network. Swedish film host and scholar Johan Norberg will describe how his country has changed over time, highlight policy successes, and explain why Sweden’s economic policies are often misunderstood by outsiders.