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Book Forum

The Shadow University: The Betrayal of Liberty on America’s Campuses

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Hayek Auditorium
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Featuring Alan Charles Kors, Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania; and Harvey A. Silverglate, Civil Liberties Attorney, Boston, Massachusetts.

This Cato book forum features Alan Charles Kors, Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania, and Harvey A. Silverglate, Civil Liberties Attorney, Boston, Massachusetts. Something profoundly disturbing is happening to higher education in America. Universities now enforce a politically correct agenda through censorship, double standards, and kangaroo courts. Faculty and students who dissent from the new orthodoxy are stripped of their civil liberties, some even forced to undergo intrusive and partisan “sensitivity training.” Occasionally a particularly egregious case may make its way into the news, but the true extent of this problem has never been fully documented — until now. This book is a stinging indictment and exposure of injustices and coerced conformity on college campuses. It offers a legal, strategic, and moral blueprint for restoring liberty at our colleges and universities.