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School Choice Myths: Setting the Record Straight on Education Freedom

(Cato Institute, 2020)

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Featuring Patrick Wolf (@P_Diddy_Wolf), Contributor, Professor, and 21st Century Chair in School Choice, Department of Education Reform, University of Arkansas; Tim Keller, Contributor and Senior Attorney, Institute for Justice; Inez Feltscher Stepman, (@InezFeltscher) Contributor and Senior Policy Analyst, Independent Women’s Forum; Ben Scafidi, Contributor, Professor of Economics, and Director of the Education Economics Center at Kennesaw State University; and Corey DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey), Co-editor and Director of School Choice, Reason Foundation; moderated by Neal McCluskey (@NealMcCluskey), Co-editor and Director, Center for Educational Freedom, Cato Institute.

School choice has grown a lot since 1990—from zero kids taking public education funds to private schools to over a half million doing so—but progress has been slow. One reason: a constant drumbeat of myths, including that choice cripples public schools, undermines democracy, and leaves poor kids behind. In the new Cato book School Choice Myths: Setting the Record Straight on Education Freedom, top scholars dispel 12 of the most pernicious myths.

Featured Book

School Choice Myths: Setting the Record Straight on Education Freedom

So many myths stand in the way of expanding educational freedom to all Americans: choice drains money from public schools; choice segregates; choice undermines democracy; and so on. In School Choice Myths, editors Corey A. DeAngelis and Neal P. McCluskey bring clear logic and overwhelming evidence to bear against all the major anti school-choice myths, giving readers what they need to see though them and understand how even well-intentioned people can be deceived.