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School Choice Is Good for Teachers Too

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Dr. Angela Kennedy

Founder, Deeper Root Academy

Kimberly Brown

Learning Coach, KaiPod

Tom Bogle

Guide Conversion Specialist, Prenda Microschools

We typically think of school choice as something that benefits students by helping them find the educational options that work best for them. But teachers also benefit from more options. In the past, the vast majority of teaching jobs have been in conventional public schools. But educational entrepreneurship—encouraged by expanded school choice programs—is changing the landscape.

A recent Morning Consult teacher survey found high levels of support for a variety of school choice programs. For education savings accounts, which let parents use a portion of state education funding for a variety of education-related expenses, 76 percent of teachers expressed support—including 73 percent of district school teachers.

But many teachers are unfamiliar with school choice programs and alternative education opportunities or don’t realize how they can benefit from these options. Red tape, lack of autonomy, and inability to serve kids’ needs are some of teachers’ biggest complaints. School choice would help solve each of those problems.

The Cato Institute will be hosting a virtual panel of former public school teachers sharing their experiences within a variety of teaching environments. This will be an opportunity for teachers to learn about other options and see how they can create their own paths with nearly limitless possibilities.

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