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Saudi Arabia’s War in Yemen

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Hayek Auditorium, Cato Institute
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Featuring Rep. Ro Khanna, (D‑CA); Caroline Dorminey, Policy Analyst, Cato Institute; Scott Paul, Humanitarian Policy Lead, Oxfam America; and Kate Kizer, Policy Director, Win without War; moderated by John Glaser, Director of Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute.

After years of quiet U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign in Yemen, top officials in the Trump administration are finally talking about ending the conflict. But a lasting resolution to the war remains a distant prospect, and the Yemeni people continue to suffer under bombardment and blockade in one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent memory.

What are the facts in Yemen? Why has the United States abetted the Saudi war in Yemen for almost four years? And what is the role of Congress in checking the authority of the executive to get involved in distant conflicts? Please join us for a discussion of these topics.