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The Rebirth of Liberty in Argentina and Beyond

A conference cosponsored by the
Cato Institute and Libertad y Progreso

Date and Time
June 11 — June 12, 2024
Hilton Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Argentines elected President Javier Milei with a mandate to implement far‐​reaching reforms and revive the classical‐​liberal tradition that made Argentina one of the richest countries in the world a century ago. The Cato Institute and the Argentina‐​based Libertad y Progreso think tank are pleased to announce “The Rebirth of Liberty in Argentina and Beyond,” a major conference that will bring together prominent classical liberals from around the world to propose ways to limit power, restore the rule of law, and safeguard individual liberty. At a time when many countries are moving away from liberal democracy or strengthening authoritarianism, speakers will discuss the record and relevance of classical liberalism and the importance of Argentina’s reform efforts to Argentina and the world.

The event will be in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation.

This is an in‐​person event and will not be streamed online.

For press inquiries, please contact Simone Shenny Berdahl at sshenny@​cato.​org


Wednesday • June 12