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A Liberal Agenda for the New Century: A Global Perspective

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Moscow, Russia
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Featuring Leszek Balcerowicz, President of the National Bank of Poland and Former Finance Minister, Poland; Ed Crane, Cato Institute; Mart Laar, Former Prime Minister, Estonia; and Ruth Richardson, Former Minister of Finance New Zealand.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was one of the defining events of the 20th century. Since the early 1990s, some countries have gone further than others in replacing central planning with economic freedom and high growth. As we begin the 21st century, Russia is again emblematic of the many challenges and opportunities that the developing world and transition countries face. Russia has implemented some important reforms, but many more remain if it is to achieve prosperity.

This conference brings together leading market liberals from around the world to put reform accomplishments in perspective and to address the many items still on the agenda of transition and developing countries. Speakers will highlight success stories around the world and outline concrete policy prescriptions, making the events relevant to policymakers and accessible to a wider audience including the press, opinion leaders, and the intelligent lay audience.

More information about this event.