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Capitol Hill Briefing

The Korea, Colombia, and Panama FTAs: Promoting Growth and Jobs through Trade

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B-338 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Dan Griswold, Director, Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute; William C. Lane, Washington Director, Governmental Affairs for Caterpillar, Inc.; moderated by Brandon Arnold, Director of Government Affairs, Cato Institute.

After years of delays, Congress will likely soon consider free-trade agreements (FTAs) with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama. Critics say the agreements expose U.S. workers to unfair competition, while supporters say the agreements will expand trade, level the playing field, and create well-paying jobs in U.S. export industries. William Lane, a representative of one of America’s most successful multinational exporters, will join Dan Griswold, a Cato trade expert, to discuss the benefits of trade and the economics and politics of the three pending free-trade agreements.