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Capitol Hill Briefing

How Much Should Medicare Pay for Drugs?

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2045 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Michael F. Cannon, Director of Health Policy Studies, Cato Institute; Peter Van Doren, Senior Fellow and Editor, Regulation, Cato Institute; moderated by Matt Weibel, Director of Government & External Affairs, Cato Institute.

Due to inclement weather, this hill briefing has been cancelled.

In response to bipartisan outrage over drug prices, which have risen dramatically in recent years, the Trump administration has proposed adjusting rules that determine how much the Medicare program and Medicare enrollees will pay for pharmaceuticals.

Some conservatives oppose these changes and defend the current pricing system on free-market grounds, arguing that reducing drug prices will necessarily reduce innovation.

What is the “right” price for prescription drugs? What is the price Medicare should pay? Join our panelists as they explain the current drug pricing system, the Trump administration’s efforts to reform it, and bipartisan ways to address the problem.