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Capitol Hill Briefing

A Harsh Climate for Trade: How Climate Change Proposals Threaten Global Commerce

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B-340 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Sallie James, Trade Policy Analyst, Cato Institute; Gary Hufbauer, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics; and Clayton Yeutter, Senior Advisor, Hogan and Hartson LLP and former United States Trade Representative.

As the Senate prepares to consider a climate change bill, a new study from the Cato Institute lays out some of the dangers in trade provisions ostensibly designed to “level the carbon playing field” between countries that sign carbon-limiting agreements and those that do not. Using the latest data and thinking on trade law, Sallie James shows how linking tariffs to greenhouse gas emissions would be harmful to the U.S. economy and counterproductive for achieving climate change objectives. Gary Hufbauer and Clayton Yeutter will also present their views on the intersection between climate change and trade policy.