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The Great Debate: Can Smart Growth Cost‐​Effectively Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

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Featuring Chuck Kooshian, Transportation Policy Analyst, Center for Clean Air Policy and Randal O’Toole, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute. Moderated by Patrick J. Michaels, Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies, Cato Institute.

Several recent reports have argued that we must reduce our use of automobiles to meet greenhouse‐​gas reduction targets, and that smart‐​growth policies aimed at rebuilding urban areas at higher densities are an effective way of meeting this goal. The Obama administration and leaders of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee appear to have endorsed this policy.

In this forum, Chuck Kooshian will argue that smart growth and improved transportation choices are a cost‐​effective way of reducing greenhouse gases, while Randal O’Toole will argue that they are risky and expensive, and should be rejected even by those who believe that we need to reduce greenhouse emissions.