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Capitol Hill Briefing

Federal Drug Policy: Time to Shift Priorities

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B-339 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Hon. Bob Barr, Liberty Strategies; Pat Nolan, Vice President, Prison Fellowship; Cheye Calvo, Mayor, Berwyn Heights, Maryland; and Tim Lynch, Director of the Cato Institute’s Project on Criminal Justice.

President Obama’s new drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske, says he wants to banish the idea of a “war on drugs” because the federal government should not be “at war with the people of this country.” An important and welcome announcement, to be sure, but what government policies will be actually adjusted, canceled, or reversed? At a minimum, the time is right to reverse the militarization of law enforcement, abolish mandatory minimum sentencing, and stop federal meddling in the state referendum and initiative process. Join us for a wide-ranging discussion regarding new directions for federal drug policy.