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Capitol Hill Briefing

Downsizing the Federal Government

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B-338 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Chris Edwards, Director of Tax Policy, Cato Institute, and author, Downsizing the Federal Government; Rep. Jeb Hensarling, (R‑TX); Donald Lambro, Chief Political Correspondent, Washington Times; and Stuart Butler, Vice President, Domestic and Economic Policy Studies, Heritage Foundation.

In a new Cato Institute book, Chris Edwards provides a detailed plan to avert a looming federal financial crisis caused by runaway spending and the exploding costs of entitlement programs. His research identifies more than 100 federal programs that should be terminated, transferred to the states, or privatized in order to balance the budget and save hundreds of billions of dollars. Downsizing the Federal Government discusses the systematic causes of wasteful spending, and it overflows with examples of programs that are obsolete and mismanaged. Edwards is joined by a distinguished panel to discuss the book and consider solutions to Washington’s budget woes.