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Capitol Hill Briefing

Dealing with North and South Korea: Can Washington Square the Circle?

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2075 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Daniel L. Davis, Senior Fellow and Military Expert, Defense Priorities; Harry J. Kazianis, Director of Korea Studies, The Center for the National Interest; moderated by Eric Gomez, Policy Analyst, Defense and Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute.

President Donald Trump and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un are preparing to reprise last year’s Singapore summit. Denuclearization has not proceeded as far as the administration hoped, but reconciliation between North and South is moving forward, leading to fears of a breach between Seoul and Washington. Indeed, with negotiations over host nation support for US forces stalemated, some South Koreans fear the president might follow through on his threats to withdraw American troops.

The panelists will assess the likely outcome of the summit, the role of the US-South Korean alliance, and discuss strategies to improve stability and promote disarmament. Join us for a conversation about this important issue and the prospects for peace on the Korean Peninsula.