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Capitol Hill Briefing

Cybersecurity: Will Federal Regulation Help?

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2203 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Jim Harper, Director of Information Policy Studies, Cato Institute; Jerry Brito, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center at George Mason University; Ryan Radia, Associate Director of Technology Studies, Competitive Enterprise Institute; moderated by Laura Odato, Manager of Government Affairs, Cato Institute.

With the Senate poised to consider comprehensive “cybersecurity” legislation this month, a bevy of questions need answers. Although it is difficult to secure computers, networks, and data, are government spending and regulation the answer? Are the cybersecurity threats touted in Washington real or trumped up? Should legal protections for privacy and other values give way in the name of “information sharing” with the Department of Homeland Security? Join us for a discussion with technology policy experts about cybersecurity’s challenges and the approaches taken in current legislation.