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Calm before the Storm? Developments in U.S. Trade Remedy Laws

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Featuring Rep. Phil English (R‑PA); David Hartquist, Committee to Support U.S. Trade Laws; Daniel Porter, Vinson and Elkins, LLP; and Daniel Ikenson, Cato Institute.

Initiation of antidumping and countervailing duty cases in the United States has been declining in recent years. A strong domestic economy, globalized production and supply chains, and the emergence of sustained growth abroad have all been offered as partial explanations for that trend.

But if legislation introduced in this Congress becomes law, there could be a resurgence in the use of trade remedies. The Nonmarket Economy Trade Remedy Act (H.R. 1229) and the Trade Law Reform Act (H.R. 708) both purport to expand the access of domestic industries to the trade remedy laws. What are the implications of the proposed changes?