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Build Up or Build Out? Solving the Housing Crisis

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Featuring Scott Beyer (@sbcrosscountry), Owner, Market Urbanism Report; Randal O’Toole (@antiplanner), Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome), Adjunct Scholar, Cato Institute; moderated by Vanessa Brown Calder (@vanessabcalder), Deputy Director, Joint Economic Committee.

Rising prices have created housing crises in many urban areas, particularly in the Northeast and on the West Coast. Experts agree that government regulations are the problem, but which regulations should be relaxed or repealed to make housing more affordable? Scott Beyer argues that restrictive zoning within cities is the problem and that such zoning should be lifted to allow developers to build up—that is, build more high‐​density housing. Randal O’Toole argues that restrictive zoning in rural areas outside the cities is the problem and that such zoning should be abolished to allow developers to build out—that is, build more low‐​density housing. Scott Lincicome argues that restrictive zoning in all areas should be relaxed, as should local, state, and federal regulations that needlessly inflate housing construction costs. Join us for a lively debate about property rights, housing demand, and housing supply.

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