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40 Years of Title IX: Blessing, Curse, or Something in Between?

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Hayek Auditorium
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Featuring Sabrina Schaeffer, Executive Director, Independent Women’s Forum; Debra Rolison, Research Scientist, Arlington, VA; Adele Kimmel, Managing Attorney, Public Justice, P.C.; Neal McCluskey, Associate Director, Center for Educational Freedom, Cato Institute; moderated by Marjorie Clifton, Principal, Clifton Consulting, and Founder, Spikethe​wa​ter​cool​er​.com.

On June 23, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 — which requires gender equity in all federally funded education programs — will turn 40 years old. The law is considered a major success by many, opening opportunities for women that they believe would not otherwise have existed. But adulation for Title IX isn’t universal, especially when it comes to the negative effect some maintain it has had on men’s intercollegiate sports. And there are more fundamental questions: Is there something wrong with the law because it focuses disproportionately on sports? Could it make academics a contentious battleground if its focus were turned from sports? Is it constitutional? And, are its curbs on freedom worth its benefits? Please join us for a lively discussion of this landmark law.