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National Education Standards: Hopeful Change or Hollow Promise?

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Featuring Sandra Boyd, Vice President, Strategic Communications and Outreach, Achieve, Inc.; Lindsey Burke, Policy Analyst, Heritage Foundation; Michael Petrilli, Vice President for National Programs & Policy, Thomas B. Fordham Institute; and Neal McCluskey, Associate Director, Center for Educational Freedom, Cato Institute; moderated by Adam Schaeffer, Policy Analyst, Center for Educational Freedom, Cato Institute.

With the Common Core State Standards Initiative likely to release the final version of its English and mathematics standards in early June, and states having to decide whether or not to adopt them, a crucial question has been neglected in the public policy debate: Is there good reason to believe that national standards will improve educational outcomes? Please join us for a discussion of the logic behind, and evidence on, national education standards, at this pivotal moment in the history of American education.