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The Power of Freedom: Uniting Human Rights and Development

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Featuring the author Jean-Pierre Chauffour, Economic Adviser, International Trade Department, World Bank; with comments by Susan Aaronson, Associate Research Professor of International Affairs, George Washington University; moderated by Ian Vasquez, Director, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute.

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Are the quests for human rights and economic development compatible? Jean-Pierre Chauffour takes the development and human rights communities to task for working at cross purposes and often advocating policies that violate basic rights, whether those rights are economic freedoms or broader issues of personal choice. The author will explain how the two traditions can be reconciled by empowering people with economic, civil, and political liberty, and he will outline a mutually supportive agenda for advocates of growth and human rights. Susan Aaronson will draw on her years of scholarship on trade and human rights to comment on the book.