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Capitol Hill Briefing

Transportation Reauthorization: Looking Beyond the Recession

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Capitol Visitor Center-Congressional Meeting Room South
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Featuring Randal O’Toole, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute and author of The Best-Laid Plans: How Government Planning Harms Your Quality of Life, Your Pocketbook, and Your Future; and Robert Poole, Director of Transportation Studies, Reason Foundation;

After passing an economic “stimulus” bill containing billions of dollars of infrastructure spending, members of Congress will soon turn their attention to reauthorizing surface transportation funding for five more years. Given the substantial public resources that will be committed to transportation, how should Congress structure programs to best encourage wise investments—those that promote the safe and rapid movement of people and products while minimizing the negative impacts? How can Congress address concerns about energy and the environment? Can the federal government ensure that transportation networks respond flexibly to changing conditions? Please join Cato and Reason experts to discuss transportation policy pitfalls and substantive reform ideas.