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Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America’s Schools Back to Reality

(Crown Forum, 2008)

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Featuring the author, Charles Murray, W.H. Brady Scholar, American Enterprise Institute; with comments by Christopher B. Nelson, President, St. John�s College. Moderated by Neal McCluskey, Associate Director, Center for Educational Freedom, Cato Institute.

One message is delivered relentlessly in American education: Everyone should go to college. And then there’s Charles Murray’s message: Few people either need, or are able to handle, the rigorous liberal-arts training that college is supposed to provide. But this isn’t a death sentence for those who are not academically inclined. Opportunities to enter well-paying professions and lead good lives abound for these people, and the sooner that’s recognized, the sooner everyone can get the education they need. Christopher B. Nelson, whose ‘great books’ college provides the sort of liberal arts education Murray believes is beyond most people’s reach, will respond.