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Capitol Hill Briefing

Should Congress Reauthorize NCLB?

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B-369 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Rep. Scott Garrett (R‑NJ), Andrew Coulson, Cato Institute, and Neal McCluskey, Cato Institute.

The No Child Left Behind Act is up for reauthorization, and, supporters’ rhetoric to the contrary, it has failed to live up to its promises. A new Cato Institute study documents the facts: NCLB does not improve academic achievement, fails to deliver meaningful parental choice, and impedes truly effective reforms, all while costing taxpayers tens of billions of dollars each year.Please join Rep. Scott Garrett, whose LEARN Act offers a promising first step toward truly effective education reform, along with study authors Neal McCluskey and Andrew Coulson, as they discuss the rationale for ending NCLB and chart a better way forward based on U.S. and international research.