These doubts should persist for much of 2025 (if not longer), as the Trump administration and Congress mull spending and tax cuts that could take a chunk out of the IRA or consider regulatory changes to various subsidy conditions they don’t like. And, of course, this kind of uncertainty is all but inevitable in an energy market driven by government, not private, actions.
Summing It All Up
So, the IRA costs much more than advertised and, in terms of its main goal of “tackling climate change” (in the Biden White House’s own words), delivers much less. These disappointing outcomes are owed to what’s in the law (endless subsidies to common technologies and more protectionism), what isn’t in the law (supply side reforms on permitting, transmission, interconnection), and other needless rules and regulations that further impede the rollout of supposedly critical goods and services.
And none of it is the least bit surprising. As the Breakthrough report notes, for example, many energy experts in the late 2000s warned against trying “to use public clean energy subsidies as a reverse carbon tax” because it would be “an inefficient and expensive way to cut emissions,” and they’re being proven right today. Meanwhile, as I detailed in a 2021 paper, U.S. industrial subsidies like those in the IRA have routinely fallen victim to budgetary overruns and failed objectives, thanks to poor (often politicized) design and implementation, political uncertainty, and pre-existing laws and regulations that contradict or thwart the subsidies’ goals. Sounds familiar!
But this is more than just a case of I‑told-you-sos; it matters greatly for assessing the IRA’s merits and future. At a piddly $400 billion (ha!), for example, the factories and jobs supposedly spurred by the law might be worth its cost, even if U.S. emissions reductions are meager. At a total price tag more than 10 times that original amount, such results—even assuming they materialize and are owed to the IRA—make far less economic sense, while repealing the IRA subsidies makes much more. According to one recent estimate, for example, “Each new Inflation Reduction Act job ‘created’ costs taxpayers between $2 million and $7 million.” That is objectively not good deal, no matter how you slice it—but especially when you consider that, as the Breakthrough authors calculate, as much as three-quarters of all projected IRA spending over the next 10 years will go toward subsidizing just three mature technologies that don’t need any more subsidization (wind, solar, and EVs).
Cutting those subsidies could alone save American taxpayers between $300 billion and $650 billion over the same timeframe—a nice chunk of change in an era of trillion-dollar deficits—and could in the process put federal energy policy on a better, more sustainable path going forward. Or, we can just keep handing out billions to companies and people who don’t need the money, while distorting U.S. energy markets and waiting for emissions reductions that never actually come about.
Seems like an easy call to me.
Chart(s) of the Week