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Visions of Liberty

Regardless of our political commitments, we all want the world to be better. Political liberty―the freedom to live our lives as we want while affording others the right to do the same, free from the heavy hand of the state―is the best way to achieve that goal. Visions of Liberty is more than just an introduction to the broad scope of political liberty. It will leave you with a strong sense―a clear vision―of what the application of genuine libertarian policies looks like in practice.

• Published By

Noted scholars and advocates of liberty offer inspiring visions of a more libertarian world.

About the Book

Regardless of our political commitments, we all want the world to be better. We want people everywhere to be healthier, happier, safer, and more prosperous than ever before. Political liberty―the freedom to live our lives as we want while affording others the right to do the same, free from the heavy hand of the state―is the best way to achieve that goal.

Visions of Liberty is more than just an introduction to the broad scope of political liberty. It will leave you with a strong sense―a clear vision―of what the application of genuine libertarian policies looks like in practice.

Our contributors take different approaches. Some look to the past, pointing out how things worked before government got involved. Others look forward, offering future histories that describe how things could play out if we make certain choices. But each of them shares the firm belief that when freed from the meddlesome and coercive hand of the state, people can do amazing things. Liberty unleashes our drive for ingenuity and sense of compassion. This radical vision of a world that might be is truly worth striving for.

About the Editors

Aaron Ross Powell is director and editor of Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org, a project of the Cato Institute, which presents introductory material as well as new scholarship related to libertarian philosophy, theory, and history. He is also the co‐​host of the Free Thoughts podcast.

Paul Matzko is the assistant editor for tech and innovation at Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org. His book, The Radio Right: How a Band of Broadcasters Took on the Federal Government and Built the Modern Conservative Movement, was published by Oxford University Press in 2020.