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Alternative Money University: Testimonials

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“AMU at Cato was a unique experience as the speakers covered a variety of monetary topics that are rarely discussed in most mainstream undergraduate or even graduate programs. Moreover, the economic history aspect of some of the presentations was great and of particular relevance for my studies.” – Julius, Lund University

“The Alternative Money University was an amazing experience. It expanded my knowledge about Monetary Policy in a way I could never hope to experience from my regular school courses. Topics like the Gold Standard and the creation of the Federal Reserve which normally are not widely discussed in ordinary classes were discussed in depth here.” – Dallin, Arizona State University

“Alternative Money University offered a rich menu of unconventional and innovative views on monetary economics. Over three days, I was introduced to theories, case studies, and histories that I would never have bumped into otherwise. A supplementary, nonorthodox education is crucial for the central bankers of tomorrow!” – Adam, University of Notre Dame

“If you love economics, this conference is an opportunity to gain insight into current issues and inform yourself of theories that differ from what you learn from a conventional undergrad experience.” – Andrew, New York University

“Very interesting perspective even for one who does not identify as a libertarian. The ideas of smart people who have given much thought to a problem are always interesting even if there are other many ways of looking at such problem.” – Daniele, Stanford University

“AMU gives a refreshing introduction to alternative ways of thinking about money and monetary policy. If you think modern, orthodox approaches to monetary economics are lacking something, then AMU might just inspire you with some new and different ideas.” — Lee, University of Edinburgh

“If you want a chance to talk with some of the most brilliant minds in money and macro today, and at the same time make great friends (and have fun!) with those who have the potential to be the *future* brilliant minds, you should attend this program.” – Basil, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Good change needs consensus about good ideas among people who produce scientific knowledge. I felt this workshop encouraged me to be part of the solution.” – Mathias, Stanford University